Miami Census, Headright, and Annuity Rolls, 1829-2000
Miami Census, Headright, and Annuity Rolls, 1829-2000
Papers copied from original source materials and other published sources regarding census, headrights, and annuity lists and payrolls. Also contains documents pertaining to the removal of Miami Indians from Indiana to Kansas in 1846.
The material contained in this collection is copied from other sources. Some records are xerographic copies, while others are transcriptions of original records. There are no original documents, and dates given refer to the date of the original document, not the date the copy was made. The collection is divided into three series based on record function and type: Censuses, Allotments, Headrights, Removal, and Land Issues, and Annuity Payrolls. Arranged primarily by record type, then geographical area, then chronologically.
Date Accumulated: c. 1990s.
Physical Description: 0.5 cubic feet (1 box).
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